
FULL DAY OFFSHORE TUNA TRIP! October 5th Skip the cattle boats and get your fishing on! Tuna, yellow tail, dorado all still running strong Text/call 619612-0616 to reserve your seat 3 seats left/6 max on board 619-612-0616 $520 per person- October 5th a Saturday

No passport required! 1.5 day on the Patriot kills it. #bluefintuna #fishing

The Patriot with Captain Trevor hoist YET ANOTHER bluefin over the rail!
The KRAKEN with a beautiful yellowfin! Come get your fishing on this fast 4-pack boat now! 619-508-7823 call/text now San Diego Waters going strong and will run longer this season. October is a great month!! 619-508-7823 call/text now
NOMAD scores big once again. Nothing new here! Call/text NOMAD to 619-508-7823 to reserve your trip now! TUNA are going to be around for quite awhile this season. October is getting full quickly! 619-508-7823 Come get your tuna on!
The Nautilus does it again! Come get your fishing on! Call/text 619-508-7823 to reserve your trip now. Skip the cattle boats and get your true sport fishing experience. call/text now Nautilus to 619-508-7823 Tuna are turning in! This will be a longer season than most!
Get your tuna/dorado and yellowtail on this weekend!! two spots left for Saturday or Sunday call/text 619-612-0616 to reserve your seats now! True fishing experience 6 max on board Skip the cattle boats. Everything is booked except for our two seats available this weekend 619-612-0616